ipython Git Wiki


git push : git branch -m old-name new-name # Rename branch g -c merge.driver.union rebase origin/master


Git can search diffs with the -S option (it’s called pickaxe in the docs)

git log -Spassword # word like –grep=word git log -Gword # regex

This will find any commit that added or removed the string password. Here a few options:

-p: will show the diffs. If you provide a file (-p file), it will generate a patch for you.
-G: looks for differences whose added or removed line matches the given regexp, as opposed to -S, which "looks for differences that introduce or remove an instance of string".
--all: searches over all branches and tags; alternatively, use --branches[=<pattern>] or --tags[=<pattern>]

Reset one commit

Ugly tips from draft

Merge unrelated history (to merge different project)


Ignore file mode (755 in chmod)

git config core.fileMode false


git config –global alias.wdiff diff –color-words// Edit~/.gitconfig` [alias] wdiff = diff –color-words

Word by word diff git diff –color-words


  ... (existing configurations)
  excludesfile = ~/Documents/my_repo/.local_gitignore

[remote "origin"]

  ... (existing configurations)

[branch "master"]

  ... (existing configurations)

Change history


1. Init

  git init 
  git add LICENSE.txt
  git commit -m 'first commit'

  git clone https://github.com/libgit2 mylibgit

2. Config

  git config --global user.name "Martin T"
  git config --global user.email tbf@tbf
          core.editor vim 
  git config --list   # See all config vars 
  git config user.name   # See the var git is using for name 

3. Aliases

  git config --global alias.co checkout   
  git config --global alias.br branch 
  git config --global alias.ci commit    
  git config --global alias.st status 

  git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'
  git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'

4. Branches

-> Each Commit has a pointer to the previous commit -> The default branch name is master git-master . -> HEAD is a pointer pointing to the current branch

  git branch testing 
<    Creates a new pointer at the same commit you're currently on 

git checkout testing git checkout -b testing # creates the branch and go in it < Moves HEAD to the testing branch

-> Switching to a branch changes the working directory

  git branch 
  git branch -v   # see the last commit 
  git branch -m <oldname> <newname>  
<    rename a branch 

git branch [–no-merged] [–merged] < Lists all Branches

  git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all 
<     Shows where branch pointers are
  -> Creating a branch is just creating a 41 byte pointer (to a sha-1) in a file 

# 5. Merge

  -> You want to merge myBranch into master 

git checkout master git merge myBranch < If you changed the same part of the same file differently, this will cause confict. So this won’t auto-merge and you have to resolve the conflict and then commit.

  git status 
<    To see the conflict 
  Open the files manually to resolve the conflict and add them to the stage to remove them from conclicting files

git mergetool

git branch -d myBranch < To deleta a branch, usefull if this branch is already merged

6. Rebasing

-> Get the change one branch applied to the most common ancestor and apply this change to the other branch

  git rebase --onto master server client
<    Check client branch, figure the changes from the common
ancestor with client and apply these changes to master

git rebase master server git checkout master git merge server git branch -d server < Replay server changes on master branch Then go to the master branch (without the server applyed) And merge both branch so master and server are now one branch Remove the server branch, not usefull anymore

-> Don’t rebase commits that exist outside your repository

7. Remote

  git remote add maisonDir D:\Iso\VimMaison
  git ls-remote (remote) 
  git remote show (remote) 
<    To see all remote vars 
  -> Origin is the default name for a remote when you run git clone *git-origin*

git fetch origin < Fetch data from origin into a new branch called origin/master

  git push (remote) (branch) 
<    Take my local branch and update the remote origin branch (with the same name) 

git checkout -b serverfix origin/serverfix < This gives a local branch where origin/serverfix was

-> Tracking branches are local branches that are looking to remote branches. When you git clone, your master branch is tracking origin/master. You can then update master with “git pull”. From a tracking branch, git pull will act as git fetch and git merge

8. Remote

  git remote add local_proc /opt/git/projct.git 
  git pull /home/john/project 
