
]] Jump forward to begin of next toplevel
[[ Jump backwards to begin of current toplevel (if already there, previous toplevel)
]m Jump forward to begin of next method/scope
[m Jump backwords to begin of previous method/scope

][ Jump forward to end of current toplevel
[] Jump backward to end of previous of toplevel
]M Jump forward to end of current method/scope
[M Jump backward to end of previous method/scope

==========  ============================
Key         Command (modes)
==========  ============================
[[          Jump to previous class or function (normal, visual, operator)
]]          Jump to next class or function  (normal, visual, operator)
[M          Jump to previous class or method (normal, visual, operator)
]M          Jump to next class or method (normal, visual, operator)
aC          Select a class. Ex: vaC, daC, yaC, caC (normal, operator)
iC          Select inner class. Ex: viC, diC, yiC, ciC (normal, operator)
aM          Select a function or method. Ex: vaM, daM, yaM, caM (normal, operator)
iM          Select inner func. or method. Ex: viM, diM, yiM, ciM (normal, operator)
==========  ============================



" Make it AutoScroll
augroup JupyterTerm
    autocmd TextChanged __jupyter_term__ call cursor('$', 0)
augroup END
echo getregtype('a') " To see if in Visual or v

Run lines

:vnoremap <f2> :<c-u>exe join(getline("'<","'>"),'<bar>')<cr>
:execute getline(".")

Location list

call setqflist([])


Notes: * Cannot make py2 and py3 in debian (choose only one) * Dynamic loading impossible in debian

Match non ascii

Prompt press enter

Debug timing function

function! Foo()
    " do your thing
    for i in range(1,8)
        let @a = i

" save current time
let start_time = reltime()

" call your function
call Foo()

" echo elapsed time expressed in seconds
echo "elapsed time:" reltimestr(reltime(start_time))

Vim as hex interpreter

vim -s -e ‘’ * s for silent * e for ex mode * -V1 for verbose (to see errors) * -N non-compatible * -S : source the script <file

example: vim -i NONE -u NORC -U NONE -V1 -nNesS script-cmd -c'echo""|qall!' -- args...

YouCompleteMe Stop

call youcompleteme
" do your stuff
call youcompleteme



Jump matching endif

runtime macros/matchit.vim

Not clearing screen after leaving (for git diff)

set t_te= By default VIM, when terminating, sends the string configured with the option t_te to the hosting terminal to tell it to clear the screen. To avoid it just :set t_te= to send nothing to the terminal and avoid screen clearing. See :help term form more information about terminal capabilities.

Copy all match

:%s//\=setreg('A', submatch(0), 'V')/gn

Version and patch

if v:version == 704 && has(‘patch399’)